Sign Shed Order Form

To order, fill out the form below and click submit. To include a hand sketch, fax sketch to (262) 695-9972. To send art files, include the file with your email as an attachment to along with a description.

Full Name:

Phone #: Fax #:

Email Address:

Mailing Address and Billing Address (if different)

Enter sign type and size:

Specify sign / banner color:

Enter colors for letters or graphics:

Enter the text as you want it to appear on the sign. Specify type styles and sizes. Describe any graphics or special mounting: A sample layout will be sent to you via email based on this description.  If you already received a layout, enter the file name.

Price of sign (plus shipping/handling add $6 per banner, sign, or set of magnetic signs):

Send check or money order to Kastwell Inc. P.O. Box 366, Pewaukee, WI 53072-0366

Payment Method:  V ISA     MasterCard      Discover       Check Sent by Mail

Name on Card:

Card Number:

Expiration Date:

Copyright Kastwell Inc. 2000
Last revised: March 2000